Monday, November 12, 2012

Week of November 12

Happy Monday, everyone!

I have a slight calendar change to share with all of you as well as some exciting announcements:

The Shabbat Dinner Mixer with the Med Students has been changed to FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7 around 7:30. Now we can all go to the Holiday Cocktail! (It's like having your matzah balls and eating them too!)

Please RSVP to Alison by Friday, November 30 if you are coming. Please let her know if you have any dietary restrictions (kosher, vegetarian, gluten/lactose-intolerant, etc.) so we can accommodate everybody!

Now, in other news:

JLSA Hanukkah Party is coming up (official date TBA)

We will need your help with decorations and such, so please let me know if you can help! We're meeting on Thursday at noon in the DU to talk about it, so if you can help, please stop by!

In other other news:

ELECTIONS for next year are coming up!

Dean Henderson has requested that all student organizations start their election and transition processes earlier this year. There is a student organization leadership meeting tomorrow, where we will get more specifics. In the mean time, start thinking about what position you're going to want next year. We've had such an awesome year so far this year, so I know we're in good shape in the future!

Happy (early) Thanksgiving! (I probably won't send out an email next week, so this will have to suffice!) If you cannot get home to celebrate Thanksgiving, my Big Fat Jewish Family would like to invite you to our house. We regularly have five kinds of pie. True story. Let me know if you want to come and we'll add an extra chair around the table!

Shalom y'all!

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